

Quick Append

Survey Data Enrichment

add insights to questions

Add insights not questions: Append curated, privacy-safe consumer insights data as a cost-effective way to shorten questionnaires, cut respondent burden and create deeper, more meaningful research reports.

  • Respondent profiling
  • Segmentation
  • Enhanced reporting
  • Media activation
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Location Intelligence Solution

Plan like an expert: Quantify market opportunities and create compelling narratives with confidence using advanced geo-analytics, inbuilt geoTribes segmentation and powerful data capabilities.

plan like an expert
  • Retail network optimization
  • Forecasting new store sales
  • Outdoor media planning
  • Target segment sizing
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Living Insights

Enterprise Data Enhancement

Humanise corporate data: Append socioeconomic segments and rich consumer insights to corporate databases for a deeper understanding of who your customers are, how they think and why they act the way they do.

quote by Steve Jobs
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geoTribes Segments

Turn insights into action

Unlock whole new dimensions of customer understanding with insightful sociodemographic segments that work in survey research, database analytics, retail trade areas and external media.

Try out our Postcode Profiler to get to know the geoTribes Segments in your local area.

geoTribes Postcode Profiler


See which geoTribes Segments are in your Postcode.

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Top geoTribes Segments
