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Used in applications like audience targeting, strategic planning, understanding consumer behaviour, regional profiling and data enhancement.

The data is built using a multi-layered proprietary process to combine updated Census data with rich thematic information from market research surveys and Government microdata.

Our consumer data is available through RDA’s geoTribes Explorer Solution, Living Insights and Quick Append portals, as well as through media affiliates and as licensed databases.

cylindrical infographics with each layer labelled and colour-coded

geoTribes Segments & Dimensions

geoTribes segmentation is based on a sophisticated spatial model that combines national census and public microdata and is updated regularly for population changes. Using these non-PII sources, we extract two key drivers of consumer purchasing behaviour, media consumption and psychology, being socioeconomic status (SES) and lifecycle stage. Each of the 15 geoTribes Segments has a unique position within the socioeconomic status and lifecycle stage space and with each tribe the people tend to have similar personal narratives, attitudes and preferences – likes, dislikes, aspirational figures and compulsions to purchase ‘must have’ products and brands. While individuals inevitably vary on personal dimensions, their similarities on these shared traits makes geoTribes a uniquely powerful needs based segmentation framework.

people looking at hand-held gadgets in a happy mood

geoSmart Segments

geoSmart is a proven and powerful segmentation that assigns all Australian consumers and household to one of 56 segments within 11 groups. geoSmart has been built to maximize differences in socioeconomic status, wallet size, spending patterns, family mix, media consumption, behavioural response and multicultural influences.

high-rise buildings

Human Needs & Sustainability

This data set is suitable for a wide variety of database targeting and planning applications and is constructed at the level of SA1 + Dwelling Type + Age Break + Gender using RDA's proprietary Synthetic Population and updated using population growth & migration statistics. It consists of Personal Attitudes (105), Lifestyle Interests (36), Situation & Outlook Measures (20), Sustainability measures (17) and weekly exposure across main media categories, as well as social media platforms used in the last week, frequency of posting and checking updates.

The data is sourced from the geoTribes Human Motivations and Sustainability Survey, based on a sample of 6,000 Australian respondents 18+ years of age, conducted in July & August 2021. The Personal Attitudes are consistent with the Schwartz Values Survey and were factor-analysed (along with other measures) to produce 28 geoTribes Social Values.

close-up view of people with grin on their face posing for a selfie by a coast

Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing data is suitable for a wide variety of database targeting and planning applications and is constructed at the level of SA1 + Dwelling Type + Age Break + Gender using RDA's proprietary Synthetic Population and updated using population growth and migration statistics. The data provides estimates of key health indicators for the population, such as Health Status, Risk Factoes, Health Actions, Health Checks, Medications and Supplements, Medical Conditions, and Health Services. Constructed using RDA's proprietary projection methodology and the Australian Bureau of Statistic's National Health Survey, Health and Wellbeing data can be used for a wide variety of targeting and planning applications like Media Targeting, Demand Estimation and Sales Territory Planning.

a boy drining a bottle of water leaning on an unpainted cement-plastered wall

Household & Person Economics

This data set is constructed at the level of SA1 + Dwelling Type + Age Break + Gender using RDA’s proprietary Synthetic Population and updated using population growth and migration statistics and is suitable for a wide variety of database targeting and planning applications. It consists of household and person estimate for Income, Assets, Liabilities and other Financial Indicators, giving an extensive snapshot of the overall financial health of households and individuals. It is built using RDA’s proprietary methodology and the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Survey of Income and Housing.

an entrance to a room inside a building

Household Demand

Household Demand data provides estimates of expenditure for an extensive range of categories. Constructed using RDA’s unique projection methodology and the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Household Expenditure Survey, Household Demand data can be used for targeting and planning activities like Regional Profiling, Household Wallet Size and Composition and Demand Hotspots Identification.

an image of living room when viewed from top

Consumer Demographics

Consumer Demographics data provides a comprehensive set of indicators for the population, such as Income, Family Structure, Ancestry, Country of Birth, Employment and Education. Constructed at the level of SA1 + Dwelling Type + Age Break + Gender using RDA’s proprietary synthetic population and updated using population growth and migration statistics, this data can be used for a wide variety of database targeting and planning applications like Population Benchmarking, Cluster Analysis and Predictive Analytics.

an image of young people playing with colour powder

Nielsen GeoCMV Media, Attitudes and Behaviour

Jointly developed with Nielsen Media and tapping into the breadth and comprehensiveness of the Consumer Media View (CMV) Survey, GeoCMV data consists of Media Consumption, Consumer Behaviour, Attitudes, Lifestyle Choices, Brand Perception/Affiliation and Shopping Habits. Constructed using RDA’s proprietary data fusion methodology, GeoCMV enables creation of highly specific audience segments for nuanced targeting as well as effective campaign development and execution for Media Owners, Advertisers and Agencies. The data is available for use across a broad range of industries and media channels including OOH, Letterbox, Print, Display and OTT.

an image of people on waiting rooms with glass doors
