
Using the Explorer

image of multiple dot-density maps with a location marker associated with each of the maps

Discover, visualise and share insights about customers, locations, markets, audiences and media assets, guided by expert workflows.

With the Explorer you can:

  • Create presentation quality maps
  • Build deep profiles of regions and retail trade areas
  • Identify retail network performance gaps
  • Estimate new stores sales
  • Find whitespace opportunities
  • Estimate store & network cannibalisation
  • Run proximity & inside trade area analyses
  • Quantify target market segments
  • Test alternative network coverage scenarios
  • Plan OOH media campaigns

The Explorer supports single users as well as collaboration among enterprise teams through a fully cloud-hosted application, developed in line with AWS Well-Architected Framework principles.

Why Smart Planners Choose the Explorer

Turn Your Behavioural Data Into Strategic Competitive Advantage

The RDA data science team has deep experience in turning spatially-referenced data, such as de-identified transactions, transport models and mobility data into customised, private data layers in the Explorer.

Customised layers include:

  • Retail store trade area definitions based on actual shopper behaviour, transport models or mobility data
  • Projected $/Household sales extraction rate at the level of fine-grained census geography
  • Modelled potential demand estimates (Available and Obtainable Market), based on applying machine learning models to projected household sales
an image of weighted tradearea map for a single area and point of interests inside the area
Creates actual $ estimates for Supply and Demand, so market planners don't have to infer desirability from demographics.

Use Powerful Geo-Analytics With Point-and-Click Ease

an image of hitmap with multiple color bands for a selected datapack variable with legends

The Explorer goes beyond mapping and dashboarding with powerful embedded geo-analytic capabilities like:

  • Drive time & custom trade areas
  • Spatial interaction models
  • Lookalike locations search
  • Custom segment generation
  • Proximity and inside trade areas analyses
  • Network footprint analysis
  • Network cannibalisation analysis
  • Real time Google POI search

Walk In The Footsteps of Planning Experts

The Explorer's intuitive interface supports corporate planning, retail network analytics and campaign targeting with expert workflows including:

  • Market gap analysis
  • Network opportunity ranking
  • New store sales estimation
  • Cannibalisation analysis
  • Whitespace identification
  • Served market profiling
  • Franchise territory planning
  • Outdoor media planning
  • Target market sizing
  • Local area marketing
  • Competitive battleground analysis

Inexperienced users can plan like an expert, because our years of experience are built into the Explorer itself.

an image of planning experts discussing on a topic while paying attention to a computer screen
Use the Explorer with confidence. You're backed by expert support.

Really Get To Know Your Customers

an image of lifecycle stage vs socioeconomic status chart
The segments are also readily targeted in digital and OOH media.

Our geoTribes and geoSmart Segments are embedded in the Explorer, so your planning, analysis and targeting can be based on industry-standard and readily interpreted segments. These can also help you to better understand:

  • How shoppers vary across different stores
  • Which trade area segments are shopping at particular stores
  • How to target local area marketing
  • How to adapt store ranging to different trade areas

Bring Custom Audiences To Life

Explorer’s Audience Finder tool enables users to build bespoke consumer audiences using any combination of demographic, behavioural, household demand, economics, attitudinal & lifestyle measures from RDA and Nielsen’s GeoCMV data.

In a seamless workflow, users can:

  1.  Design audiences
  2.  Choose the right geographic level
  3.  Analyse reach
  4.  Adjust for proximity
  5.  Map hotspots
  6.  Produce target area lists
an image of people in city with a lady in pink talking over mobile phone in focus
Targeting lists can be produced for media assets, retail outlets, suburbs, postcodes and other geographic levels, for campaigns in Facebook, Google, Digital Display, OOH, Letterbox, Streaming and Community News.

Customise Your Solution > Only Pay For What You Need!

Your Explorer Solution is highly configurable from a broad range of options, so you only pay for the users, data and analytical features you need, based on:

  • Number of users
  • ABS and public data, eg. Population Projections & Business Register
  • Census, media & other commonly used boundaries
  • Public data sets, eg. Natural Disasters, Transport Routes, Business Register & Land Use
  • Consumer data modelled from market research and Government microdata, eg. Health and Wellbeing, GeoCMV, Attitudes & Values, Sustainability Behaviour
  • Client-supplied proprietary data, eg. Transport models, Population Projections, NPS Scores
  • Custom audience/target market generation, with the Audience Finder Tool
  • Custom analytical layers built from transaction, loyalty and mobility data by the RDA data science team.
  • Advanced geospatial analytics, eg. Territory Management, Spatial Interaction Modelling & Finding Lookalikes
  • Consumer data modelled from market research and Government microdata, eg. Health and Wellbeing, GeoCMV, Attitudes & Values, Sustainability Behaviour
  • Access to Google Points of Interest & Travel Time

Who Uses The geoTribes Explorer?

Individual analysts and enterprise teams who require advanced features with high ease-of-use.

  • National retail chains, especially those with addressed loyalty transactions data
  • Large and medium-sized outdoor media companies
  • Management consultancies
  • Media planning agencies
  • Planning and analytics departments in the corporate, education and sporting sectors
multiple skyscrappers in a circle merging in to a point when viewed from the center towards the white-cloudy sky

downloads: Explorer Guide